Saturday, 11 July 2015

Al-Quran is easy to be understood ( part 3 )

When Allah said that he had already simplified Quran in order to make people can understand its lessons, why Quran seems to be difficult. Apart from four factors that I have mentioned before, there are another few things that should be concerned by readers as follows:-

Reflect the heart

A prominent scholar, Dr Abdul Solah Al-Khalidi has written an interesting parable about Quran as he said this revealed book likes rain. As we know, the main character of rain is to nourish lands so as plants could grow up and produce their fruits or outcomes. However, not all parts of the lands could be affected since the only soft land could be fertile by rain. In contrast, if rain fall on the stones or harsh lands, both might not be changed. Likewise, the positive impacts of Quran are only effective for those who their heart is soft, pure and free from the bad attitude.

Allah says in the Quran:-
“Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?” (Muhammad: 24)
Based on this versus, Allah has related the process of understanding the Quran by heart, which is referred to sincere to find the truth, not their intellectual ability. In other words, every human can understand or learn the lessons from Quran except those who are arrogant and prejudiced. Thus, reflect your heart and ask repentance from God first, before starting to understand the Quran.

Feel Quran is talking with you.

The main problem for Muslims when they deal with Quran, they just consider it as a ritual activity as most of them just want to complete recitation only. As a result, their vision is only to pursue as many as they can finish reading this sacred book. Thus, it is not rare even they can completely read the whole Quran for many times but fail to understand its message.

In fact, with deep observation on every versus of Quran, we realize that the language that used in this book is very interesting. It seems that Quran is talking with its reader. Allah says:

And this Qur'an was revealed to me that I may warn you thereby and whomever it reaches. (Al-An’am: 19)

There is an interesting quotation from Muhammad Bin Kaad Al-Qarzi which was narrated by Al-Ghazli as he said

“ Those who reached for him Quran, means that he is talking with Allah” 

Another excellent example is how Dr. Jeffrey Lang,  an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Kansas reverted to Islam. He was born in a Roman Catholic family and spent his young in Catholic schools. However, he became an atheist as his religion fails to answer many questions about God.
Finally, he was introduced with the Quran by his student. In the first he read its translation, he was shocked. He said:

 You cannot simply read the Quran, not if you take it seriously. You either have surrendered to it already or you fight it. It attacks tenaciously, directly, personally; it debates, criticizes, shames, and challenges. From the outset, it draws the line of battle, and I was on the other side. I was at a severe disadvantage, for it became clear that the Author knew me better than I knew myself. The Quran was always way ahead of my thinking; it was erasing barriers I had built years ago and was addressing my queries.

The story of Dr. Jeffrey Lang is long, but it is enough to focus that how he felt when reading the Quran as the book gave the amazing response to his attitude.

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