1. They do not know for what the Quran is revealed
It is obvious that many Muslims assume Quran has been awarded to them just for reciting, even they could not understand its contents. In Muslim communities, their generation just be thought how to read
this sacred book accurately in term of tajwid. Moreover, at the higher stage, the
competition of Quran recitation is organized and encouraged to find whose voice is tunable.
In fact, Allah has already stressed in the Quran, why he reveals this book to Muslims:-
[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded. ( Sod: 29)
Based on this versus, it is clear that what are required for Muslim when they open the Quran which are they have
to ponder upon its versus and then take the lessons from it. This process is called as the tadabbur which is an obligation for every Muslim.
2. They do not know the message of Quran.
Apart from that, failing to understand the main messages of
Quran make this book looks difficult for its readers. In fact, the process of
tadabbur is much more easier if they know what is the meaning of the Quran. There a few versus tell us about the main messages of the
Quran. One of them is from Yunus. Allah says:-
O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. ( Yunus: 57)
This versus clearly stress that there are four messages that
brought by Quran through its versus, which are : exhortation, healing for the
(diseases) in human hearts, guidance, mercy.
Therefore, to make the process of understanding Quran easier,
readers should decide what is the message of every versus that read by them. It
could consist one or more of these four messages. Either it is instruction in
order to make the readers afraid of doing the disallowed things in their life or
it is healing so as to cure human heart, or guidance to give true directions in
human life, and mercy for the believer in order to make them trusted and happy with their
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