Thursday, 25 June 2015

Al-Quran is easy to be understood ( part 2 )

Apart from two factors that mentioned in the previous article, there are a few other reasons why Muslims feel that the Quran is difficult to be understood.

1. They do not know for what the Quran is revealed
It is obvious that many Muslims assume Quran has been awarded to them just for reciting, even they could not understand its contents. In Muslim communities, their generation just be thought how to read this sacred book accurately in term of tajwid. Moreover, at the higher stage, the competition of Quran recitation is organized and encouraged to find whose voice is tunable. 

In fact, Allah has already stressed in the Quran, why he reveals this book to Muslims:-  
[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded. ( Sod: 29)
Based on this versus, it is clear that what are required for Muslim when they open the Quran which are they have to ponder upon its versus and then take the lessons from it. This process is called as the tadabbur  which is an obligation for every Muslim.

2. They do not know the message of Quran.

Apart from that, failing to understand the main messages of Quran make this book looks difficult for its readers. In fact, the process of tadabbur is much more easier if they know what is the meaning of the Quran. There a few versus tell us about the main messages of the Quran. One of them is from Yunus. Allah says:-
O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. ( Yunus: 57)
This versus clearly stress that there are four messages that brought by Quran through its versus, which are : exhortation, healing for the (diseases) in human hearts, guidance, mercy.

Therefore, to make the process of understanding Quran easier, readers should decide what is the message of every versus that read by them. It could consist one or more of these four messages. Either it is instruction in order to make the readers afraid of doing the disallowed things in their life or it is healing so as to cure human heart, or guidance to give true directions in human life, and mercy for the believer in order to make them trusted and happy with their choice.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Al-Quran is easy to be understood (part 1)

Every Muslim has a dream to understand Quran which is considered to be the last revelation from God. By understanding Quran, he or she is able to follow its guidance in order to seek the real happiness either in this real world of in the hereafter. However, many Muslims feel that the Quran only could be understood by certain people who master the Arabic language and know about Tafsir method (exegetic).

While it is undeniable that those who learn Shariah science can understand Quran in a better or easier way, all of the Muslims, even non-Muslims also have the opportunity to discover this amazing sacred book. There are a few ways and techniques can help them to extract the message of Quran, but before that they have to change a few misunderstanding about this book.

1. Al-Quran is difficult

Many Muslims argue that the Quran is difficult because it is revealed in Arabic, which is considered to be the most complicated language in the world. Moreover, as the Quran is the words of Allah who declared himself as the Al-Hakim (Wisdom of the All Wise), surely to understand his messages needs the high level of intellect.

In fact, Allah has already mentioned in the Quran that this book has been simplified:-
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? ( Al-Qamar: 17)
Interestingly, this versus is repeated in four time indicating that it is a serious declaration from Allah. Even Arabic is claimed to be the difficult language, it is possible for Allah to make Quran easy to be understood by people. In fact, genius is an ability to reduce the complicated and make it simple and it is not rare when Allah chose the complicated language for his book and makes it easy to be understood.

2. Trying to understand Quran might lead to astray.

Another misunderstanding is some Muslims afraid to understand Quran alone as they think interpreting Quran might go astray, especially without mastering Arabic and not knowing about Tafsir methods. Actually, it is a rare notion as the main characteristic of the Quran is the book of guidance. Allah said:-
The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion (Al-Baqarah: 185)
If Allah declares his book to be the best and clear guidance, how can Muslims believe trying to understand its might get lost. More surprisingly, since its first revelation until now, this book has witnessed the overwhelming people choose Islam by reading it. Thus, how can some Muslims look on the negative side? In addition, not all ayat in Quran need the special interpretation. Most of them just can be understood by reading the translation.

The process to understand Quran is known as tadabbur. It consists in two steps: Firstly, understanding the versus by looking at the translation, referring the Tafsir books or asking the expert in Quran field. Secondly,  reflecting the versus into our life. The main purpose of tadabbur is not just to understand but to take the lesson. While tafsir needs special methods and it can just be exercised by ahlul tafsir ( the specialist in tafsir field) , tadaddur must be done by all of Muslims.

Friday, 12 June 2015

The Lesson from surah Al-Asr

 “By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy” ( surah Al-Asr )
The chapter of Al-Asr is considered to be the second shortest chapters in the Holy Quran after the chapter of Al-Kauthar. While this surah only contains three versus ( ayaat ), its message is very vital not only for Muslim but also for all of humankind.

Thus, not surprisingly, when Imam Syafie said:-
“If one followed its counsel, it was enough for humankind to achieve success in life”
According to surah Al-Asr, Allah has sworn that all of humans are in loss, but there is an exemptions for those who have four characters as follows:-
1. Having the Faith in the oneness God.
2. Doing the righteous deeds
3. Mutual exhorting in of Truth
4. Mutual exhorting in of Patience

As for the first two, it is normal since many versus stress the importance of faith and the righteous acts, but as for the two last commands, it is quite rare as why Allah use the word of tawasul mean to join together in exhorting? In other words, both striving the truth and patience are the mutual action among Mukmin. 

Probably, a good lesson that might be learned from that word is no matter how great a person in term of his ability, knowledge, influence, he would not able to fight for the truth solely as he needs partners or group to help him. In other words, this effort ( fighting for the truth ) should not be exercised by individual or its result might be less effective. Meanwhile, every Mukmin is not always in the true path as sometimes he might do the wrong things. Thus, while he is consistent in telling the others about the right advice, he also need it as humans sometimes could not aware about their mistakes.

Like patience, as far as the person is human being, no matter how motivated or how strong he is, his life could not escape from distress, suffering and sadness that can be cured by strong encouragement, motivation, counseling from others. Thus, he also needs others who can advise him to be patient.
Face the fact, humans are a weak creation and could not sustain to fight for the truth and to be patient consistently and individually. Allah said:-
“And man is created weak” ( An-Nisa : 28 )

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

'Thanks' to the boat people

The year of 1989 was a momentous moment in our country’s history as we were declared to be fully free from the communist threat. After twenty first years of experiencing the emergency period, both Malayan communist party (PKM) and Malaysian government finally agreed to sign a peace accord at Hatyai. As a result, the country could focus entirely on the social economic development and the next of that year, the 2020 vision has been mooted by the fourth prime minister, Dr Mahathir (Tun) in order to attain the status of a developed nation. 

Since then, Malaysia has enjoyed the peaceful environment and harmonic relationship between all of its citizens regardless their different race or religion. Even a few political tensions could not be avoided, but they were still under control since Internal Security Act (ISA), coupled with sedition act have played the prominent role to keep our internal safety and harmony. Moreover, the natural and peaceful foreign policy that practiced by our government has prevented us from involving in any regional crisis.

However, in this current decade, we have witnessed a few incidents that give the significant impact to our sovereignty. An excellent example was the Lahad Datu intrusion that still fresh in our mind. That incident has not only triggered, but perplexed all of us as how an armed battalion could already land in our territory.

How could they penetrate our boarder dramatically and how their main leaders could escape from this country easily? No matter how serious the government transforms the various agencies to be a unit, known as ESSCOM, but the series of kidnapping incidents by armed perpetrators has reflected our security condition. Even the minister of tourist has admitted sincerely that he has no longer feels safe to visit east Sabah. 

The second case was the disappear of flight MH370. That mysterious incident has not only prompted our society, but all over the world are interested to follow it. While the government did the best to find the aircraft, the military ability, especially the current radar condition made us to be worried.

Yesterday, we were shocked again by the exclusive report from special branch as they exposed that 80pc of the nation’s security personnel and law enforcement officers at Malaysian borders are corrupt. The border in the modern era is considered to be the main frontier of the country and those who are guarding it are the nation’s defender. Otherwise, the weapon, drug, even humans can be smuggled into our country. Moreover, the citizen’s interest like subsidiary goods also can be enjoyed by foreign citizens.

Thus, we have to thank to the boat people since their emergence has made us to open our eyes to see our border condition. While we demand the origin countries to be responsible for these immigrants, our weakness must be concerned too. In fact, pursuing the status of developed country that expected to be achieved in the next five years means nothing if our national security still vulnerable.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Smartphone : monitor your teens.

Nowadays, it is a common atmosphere to see most of people are engrossed with their smartphone at public area with the various reactions on their faces. If this situation happened twenty years ago, they might be considered to be insane or mental disorder. At that time also, advanced technology can be used only by adults but today everyone can enjoy this ‘miracle’ innovation regardless their social level or age. At a family gathering for example, we can see even they sit together, but everyone is busy with their own gadget.

The smartphone nowadays provides everything for the user. Borderless social interaction, interesting games, sophisticated camera for selfie that enjoyed by every person even a three years old kid knows how to touch this tool. Some people might assume this phenomenon makes lifestyle to be modern and futuristic. As for parents, they feel that this intelligent device could help them from be disturbed by their children, especially most of them bring their works back to home. Thus, to let their children preoccupied with smartphone seems working. Moreover, it is safer for teens to spend their time with smartphone at home rather than allowing them to go outside.

Actually, it is not as simple as people think, but in fact, giving the smartphone to our children leads to make them vulnerable to unexpected threats. The small device is not just a toy, but there are many perpetrators who are smarter and more dangerous than the real world are hiding inside. The young users might be the prey for the sexual abuse, child pornography, financial fraud, human trafficking to name but a few.

In addition, another impact of the current technology using is to make the teens become unethical, low self-esteem and unbehavior. In the digital world, they are free to say or write everything, to use any word, and to treat all people in the same way. These might influence them when socializing in the real world. Not surprisingly, when there is a research shows that the children who spend a lot of time with gadget cannot differentiate between the level of people. As a result, they might speak with older or teacher or parent as well as their friend.

Blaming the technology is not the practical solution as technology has already contributed tremendous benefit to human life. The best solution would be the parent should enhance their knowledge about the impacts of technology since there are a lot of articles can be assessed easily from the internet or other media. However, by far the most important is they must guide and monitor their teens using their smartphone order to make the latest technology to be beneficial instead of harming them.