Monday, 30 March 2015

Elder abuse

The NST headline yesterday attracted me to write my opinion. It was about the elderly people in our country. The golden period should be the best time for them to rest in their house coupled with the best treat from family and enjoy with grandchildren or travel to interesting place around the world with their beloved wife. However, it is unlikely in this country as they are dumped at shopping mall, food court and even bus stop by their own family.
According to the LPPKN report, Malaysia has experienced the dramatic increase of the ageing population. In 1991, it was reported that the life expectancy for aged 60 and above was only 5.8% but after 20 years, the percentage has risen gradually to reach 10.6%. For the next 20 year, it was expected to rise by 16.3%. Thus, the government and society have to face the fact about our future. Moreover, the declining fertility rate has exacerbated this problem, lead this country becomes aged nation in the future.

Nevertheless, it is not the focusing issue for the time being, but what should be concerned is the current challenge faced by this group. Based on LPPKN report, about 675,000 or nearly 30% of them are abandoned and received no financial support from their family. At the same time, moving them out by their children from house, forcing to transfer property under their child's name, treating as servants to cook and care for their grandchildren illustrate that the golden age is the nightmare for some of the senior citizen in this country.

Meanwhile, those who are aware of this issue urge the government to take the solution as what have been taken by our neighbors. India, Philippine, Thailand, for example, prevent the older citizen with the special act.  In New Zealand and Japan, there is no compulsory retirement age, while in Singapore, the parents can sue their children if they don't support for their maintenance. Meanwhile, China makes it mandatory for children to visit their parents.

The parent relationship in Islam
Not surprisingly, when we talk about corrupted attitude and ethic among the modern society, it was already predicted by Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The prophet PBUH mentioned that one of the signs for the hereafter is “A slave woman gives birth to her mistress or master”. Amazingly, it happened in our society as many heartbreak incidents involve old parent and their children are reported by the media.

In fact, Islam emphasizes the relationship between children and their parent in the highest degree. Moreover this relationship is not just about humanity but based on amanah principle to the God. In dealing with the parent, Allah said in the Quran as follow:-

And your Lord has decreed that you don't worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], “uff,” and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, “My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.” [Quran, 17:23-24]

It is obvious from the versus that humans must be kind to their parents. To explain how far the ‘kind’ should be, Allah said the word “uff” from the children to their parent are prohibited since it could break the their heart. If the simple word is forbidden by god, how can people treat their elderly parent as a servant

In terms of financial support, Islam builds the nafqah (maintenance) system between parent and children. At the beginning, it is the parental obligation to sustain their child's life. Growing up and taking care of them coupled with fulfilling their necessities like for health and education are the part of parent’s responsibilities. If not, they are considered to be the sinners and might be brought to the court. When time goes by, the situation is reserved. Elderly parents who unable to work must be taken care of their children. They have to take care and protect them physically and emotionally as their parent did to them before.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Hurry sickness and Islam ( part 3 )

Apart from stressing human to focus the hereafter instead of being deluded with the current life, there are a few religious practices Islam could be the best cure for the hurry sickness problem. The most prominent is solah that performed by Muslim five time daily.
According to Islam, Solah is considered to be the pillars of the religion. In other words, those who are performing it seem to build their religion while those who are ignoring seem to destroy the religion. In fact, solah is not just a physical ritual but its main function is to connect between human and his creator. Moreover, it is time for humans to be grateful for the God’s blessing and to reflect if they have breached the lord’s  commands. 

In terms of Hurry sickness, solah has ‘disturbed’ the human’s desire since they must pray five times daily. As a result, it is enough to slow down them from pursuing the unstopped world demand.

At the same time, focusing on solah implementation, we can see there are a few elements of this worship avoid people from being chronic rush as follow:-

1. Muslims need to perform their solah with the high concentration ( khusyuk ) as they must aware that it is the communication process with their God.

2. During solah, Muslims recite the versus of Quran, zikr or doa. It is a situation that they reflect themselves and forget their worldly businesses and duties.

3. One of the main rules in Solah is to be calm ( toma’ninah ) as they have not to onrush in their movement. It was reported that prophet SAW asked one of his companion to repeat again his solah after he did it hastily.

4. After the solah, it is encouraged for Muslims to recite zikr and doa in a couple of minutes instead of go out.

5. Meanwhile, even it is necessary to Muslim to do their solah in group ( Jemaah ), ( some scholars say it is obligation ), but if they are late to join it, they have to not rush.

Thus, if the worship needs to perform calmly even it is the God demand, then why should we have to be hurry in pursuing the world demand.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Hurry sickness and Islam ( part 2 )

Islam is not only the religion that provides ritual practices or festival occasions or spiritual meditation for its follower, but more than that, the most important, Islam come up with the real solution for human problems.
In the case of hurry sickness, looking the bigger picture for this issue, we have to understand first the real character of human being.

Prophet  Muhammad ( PBUH ) said that

“If the son of Adam were to possess two valleys of riches. he would long for the third one. And the stomach of the son of Adam is not filled but with dust. And Allah returns to him who repents.” (Muslim)
According to this hadith, it is clear that humans never feel satisfied with their achievement. Thus, not surprisingly, they are always in chronic rush not to fulfill their necessity but to pursue the wealthy life. Of course it could not be reached as human never content with their life.
Therefore, Allah always stresses in the Quran that the life in world means nothing, compared to the hereafter as he mention in surah Fatir :-
O mankind, indeed the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the Deceiver. ( Fatir : 5 )
In another versus, Allah give the interesting parable of ife in the world   
Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion. ( AL-Hadid : 20 ).
In other words, life in the world only considered to be a bridge for human that it will determine their faith in the next world. If they obey to god command and be a good caliph to other creation, then they will achieve the real success after death. If not, they will be put in the hell.
Therefore, if humans know that the main purpose of life in the world only to be tested and they will get their reward in hereafter, they will slow down their desire. As a result, their life become balanced between religious necessity and world.
It has been related from the scholar:
“Work for the world as if you were going to live forever, and work for the hereafter as if you are going to die tomorrow."
Thus, Muslims have to focus their religious practical seriously as they will die anytime. Meanwhile, it is assumed that their life is forever as they should not afraid about their necessity. So, do not hurry in pursuing the world demand. In fact, the world will follow us if we pursue the hereafter.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Hurry sickness and Islam

21st century, the era when people claim as the best moment of human achievement especially in science and technology. Over the last 100 year, the world has experienced two significant revolutions; the industrial and internet. As a result, people lifestyle has transformed as many of them say there is no better time to be alive than now.

However, the reality is totally different. Although the movements and works become faster and easier, but many people are in a chronic rush. They feel 24 hours is not enough for a day. No time for leisure activities, relaxing even it is becoming increasingly rare for a family to eat together.
All of these are the symptom of the modern epidemic called ‘hurry sickness’

In fact, this problem is escalating in degree and intensity in our society, leading to rudeness, short tempered behavior and even violence. For the sake of pursuing the world’s demand and a better life, many valuable things in human life have been sacrificed.

The main factor for this epidemic is peoples attitude, especially time management. Failing to divide it wisely for working and family necessary will lead to create the rush circumstance. At the same time, the advanced technology, especially the internet and social media have exacerbated this problem as people always ‘busy’ with their gadget, ignoring what happened around them.   

How to tackle with this problem?

According to many scholars, hurry sickness only can be cured by changing human attitude. In other words, they have to be patient in waiting and slow their movement apart from managing their time wisely. At the same time, it is suggested that activities like Yoga, Taichi and religious meditation can reduce the sickness.
How about Islam look this issue?