Friday, 31 October 2014

The Wealth : Lesson from the story of the owner of two gardens.

One of the interesting story in chapter Al-Kahfi is the owner of two gardens with his friend. This tale is a debatable issue among Muslim scholar whether it just a parable as Quran did not mention the whole story and its characters, place and time clearly or it is a real story. However, majority of them argued that all of the stories in Quran really happened include this tale.

Actually, unclear subject that narrated by Quran is not the issue as the main objective of Quranic stories is to give the lessons to reader. It is enough for Muslim when they understand the meaning beyond of the story rather than to find answer for unclear matter through the story.
In this particular story, it is about what is the Quranic perspective on wealth.

Money cause the happiness?
It is impossible to deny that money help human to achieve a better life, but is it means that humans live for money? In reality, money does not always create happiness for them. Take an example, a person who wants to earn six-figure salary, but when he reaches this position, it's still not satisfy him as his desire become to own more.

In contrast, Pursuit the wealth sometime leads to unhealthy competition among people. When a person overambitious to achieve his dream in possessing luxury, sometime he is willing to do anything regardless legally or not, but by far the important is it fulfill his desire.

On top of that, obsession for searching the money always makes people ignore their obligations. In many cases, we can see parents no longer have enough time to spend with their children, because many are working unsociable hours to cope with the pressure and world demand. Children consequently affected as they grow up without love, care, and education.

The moral of the story of owner of two gardens.

The issue is not the money as it also one of Allah creation, but the problem is how people deal with it. Different perspective cause different results. Thus, the story of the owner of two garden is the best guidance in understanding the wealth.

Regard to this story, one of them who was gifted by Allah with fascinating gardens. It contained two gardens of grape and surrounded by date palms. Between two gardens there were cornfields and the midst of them was a flowing river.

However, this award leaded the owner became arrogant, felt honorable and looked down to others. Moreover, he deemed his gardens will not perish and he believed that if he brought back to his Lord, surely he got something better in exchange.

His attitude followed by triggered response from his friend as he reminded him that all of human created from dust as it means one could not feel that he is better than other. Then, he advised him about all of the award that gifted by Allah should be followed by expression ‘Masha Allah' that means Allah's will (be done)! There is no power but with Allah!'

Finally, All possessions of the owner of two gardens were ruinous and then followed by his regret

"Woe is me! Would I had never ascribed partners to my Lord and Cherisher!" (Al-Kahfi: 42)

Apart from lesson, the interesting about this story is Allah give a parable of human life as he said

“Set forth to them the similitude of the life of this world: It is like the rain which we send down from the skies:
the earth's vegetation absorbs it, but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the winds do scatter: it is (only) Allah who prevails over all things. ( Al-Kahfi: 45).

This story was closed by a conclusion from Allah about wealth and sons as following:-

“Wealth and sons are allurements of the life of this world: But the things that endure, good deeds, are best in the sight of thy Lord, as rewards, and best as (the foundation for) hopes. ( Al-Kahfi: 46)

When Allah said wealth and sons are allurements, he did not mean that both must be ignored. In contrast wealth and sons are individual responsibility. For example, in dealing with property, Muslim must follow divine rules such as paying zakat or dividing pusaka based on what has been taught by religion. Likewise, sons also have their right to their parent.

However what are concern by Islam, a real Muslim should not put their wealth and sons as their goal in life. In contrast, they must change them to become the avenue to achieve the real happiness in hereafter. It could be. For example a Muslim who contribute part of his wealth for the sake of religion, surely, he will reap it after his death. Another example would be, when a person have succeed to educate his son becomes a pious person, he will gain continuous reward later as long as his son pray for him.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

PhD : For the sake of religion

Last week, I attended the research methodology course which organized by Islamic Science University of Malaysia. It was obligatory for those who were appointed as fellow of university. For me, being the fellow is my greatest achievement since returned from Jordan. Even this position not guarantees me to become lecturer later, but at least they have provided me the special sponsorship for PhD and it enough to aware me that I must be grateful for Allah.

During the course, even the most participants were fellow, but there were a small number of junior lecturer, tutor and administrative staffs. The course was fascinating as much information and experience have been shared by USIM senior lecturers which majority of them have done their PhD at United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the majority of us may fly to the same country ( UK ) since the new policy is introduced by Ministry of Education that require every fellow must register at the one of top 200 universities in the world.

Regard the academic research; it is obvious that every field has its own method as science research is not similar as social science or humanities studies. However, whatever discipline studies for PhD candidates, few questions must be answered by them as follows:-

 What is PhD?

Why to study PhD?

How to complete it?

Briefly, PhD is a research to discover the ‘new’ and to give the ‘contribution’. According to these key words, PhD must fulfill few things as follow:-

1. Find Problem.

Before do the research, the student must find the issue or problem that faced by society, organization, or country first, and then decide the title and method to create the solution for the problem via their research.

2. New idea

‘New’ is the main requisite for PhD in order to avoid researcher from repeating the outcome that have been done by others because it will waste times and efforts. However, it not means that 100% new must be presented as it is impossible, but the researcher just needs to show something new in term of different angel, new application or building up the conceptual. Therefore, the researcher has to do ‘literatures review’ as it not just reading but analyzing them critically.

3. Originality

As a thesis bring new idea and new contribution, its must be done originally by researcher. So, it is crucial for him or her to follow all of the rules and ethics throughout PhD period. A true researcher must show his trust, accountability and fairness, and should avoid falsify and misrepresenting.

4. Significant study.

To fulfill the main objective of research which is solving the real and current problem, the researcher must prove his ‘product’ later not just theoretical knowledge but it can be implemented. Thus, not surprisingly in the top university, no matter how good the researcher produce his thesis, but if he fails to prove the significant contribution, technically he is considered as a failure.

With one year as preparation and 3 years for completing, I really hope that I can do my PhD very well.

“A PhD does not indicate intelligent of the person but could be an indication of his time management”

“PhD is not everything but it is something that may open your opportunities for the future”.

“Do your PhD for the sake of religion”

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

We have been taught about environment and peace before you.

Global warming and nuclear weapon have dominated the world news, especially after United Nation ( UN ) assembly last month. It is clear that the world society have demanded their leaders to cope seriously these threats since its may lead to catastrophic to human and natural.

Global warming is described as the rising of earth’s temperature. Years by years, our earth has became hotter than before, especially after 1950, its temperature has increased significantly. Actually, global warming is not only about temperature, but what people scare is the impacts of this phenomena such as the rising of sea level. Moreover, the dramatic change of weather threaten the survival of species. The crops would not reap and consequently many animals will extinct too. As the result, human being will face the serious problem of food.

Meanwhile, the nuclear weapon also declared as the serious threat to the world. This arm is produced from nuclear reaction and enable to cause the horrific fatalities. A small nuclear bomb when it explodes will devastate huge areas or a city like what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both have experienced 200,000 deaths when the nuclear bombs were dropped. It was 50 years ago and now surely its ability has increased especially after the cold war.
Hiroshima : Who are responsible?
The similarity between global warming and nuclear weapon, both are caused by humans' intellect and their desire. The first is caused by uncontrolled industries and factories since many toxins and dangerous gasses have released to nature, while the later are created by human in order to show their strength.

Surprisingly, the developed and powerful countries have blamed the third world countries for these woes. Their argument based on the poor countries, mostly Muslim have ignored the environmental issues. At the same time, they also suspected few Muslims for creating the dangerous weapons for the terrorist purpose.

We could not deny that the political and awareness among Muslims and their leader still weak. However, western and developed countries should not bias for their allegation. In fact, the environmental problem emerged rapidly after industrial revolt that gearing by developed countries. Through the wealth mission long time ago, they have colonized other lands, grasped the value materials at that lands, and manipulated its in order to fulfill their desire.
Who start first?
Regard the dangerous weapon, there still no proof that Muslim countries own nuclear weapon (except Pakistan), but the fact is clear that veto's power are developing this kind of weapons. Maybe few basic question they should answer first; Who began the world war? Who dropped the atomic weapon?

Enviroment and peace based on Islamic teaching.
Our religion has taught these issues since 1,400 ago. Based on prophet Muhammad teaching, all Muslims are disallowed to cut any tree without a solid reason as the tree gives the blessing for humans and other creations. Moreover, the Prophet also forbid people from polluting the water sources and road.

Meanwhile, Islam also promotes harmony between people regardless their religion, nation, and area. Therefore, Muslims are disallowed to start the war or conflict unless when they are threatened. However, this permission also not absolute as many rules must be followed by Muslim leaders and their fighters during if the war could not be avoided. For example, they are strictly disallowed to kill woman, priests, old people, and children. At the same time, they must avoid from destroying animals and plants which not involve in the war. Another rule is the fighters must keep themselves from burning their enemy.

So, as a Muslims, we have been taught before…

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Humans need their own 'science' ( part 2 )

Human’s creation is very unique since they are bestowed with intellectual ability compared to other creations. This kind of giftedness paves them the way for becoming the most influenced creation in this world. Apart from physical and intellect, human body also consists with another two elements which are emotion and spirit.

Thus, even every human is similar biologically, but in term of intellect, emotion and spirit, it could be different level among them. For instance, the level of intellect depends on knowledge experience while emotion and spirit its rely on surrounding circumstance. In fact, humans could not live without community as this affects to their lifestyles.

Therefore, either humans as an individual or as a whole society, it is a crucial subject that must be studied exhaustively. Thus, it is common for those who are doing research in human science complete their study much longer than those who are doing in natural science. Moreover, the researcher in this field needs to be talent, conscientious, and hard working.

The importance of Human Science study.

Like its name, study about humans will contribute back to themselves such as providing the solutions to people problems. For example, a historian just not discover the past event, but by far the most important is to find the lesson beyond it. As the past events are not happening randomly, not impossible if it will repeat again. The factors of wars, conflicts, extinctions, glorious are same for any nation wherever or whenever they live.

Meanwhile, the psychologists also necessary for humans to cure their internal problem. It is obvious that the life is not determined merely by physical and material aspect but also emotion since humans are affected by their relationship with others.

Another field in human science is sociology as it also contributes to humans development. The sociologist spends their time for studying society characteristic like culture, civilization, social changes, politics, woman status and others. All of these subjects are focused in order to find the best formula to form a dynamic society and avoid the social problem that may give negative impact to human being.

Last but not least, as a human body comprises with spiritual element, they also need those who can guide them to strengthen their relationship with the creator. Thus, religious study provides them the ways how to become a good servant of god as mean to become a good people for others.
Father of human capital development
To sum it, in pursuing our target to be a developed country, we should realize that the developed nation is not measured by material achievement only but also people mentality.

Not surprisingly, when the fourth prime minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that Malaysia has first class facilities but Malaysians have third class mentality. Thus, one could not deny that we face serious problem of education system, the religious extremist belief, identity crisis and racism as we need experts to deal with these issues.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Humans need their own 'science' ( Part 1 )

Last month, I visited the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) as my friend Syafiq Shafie had asked me to join him to meet with few lecturers there. I have been very impressed since long time ago I heard about ISTAC, but never had the chance to visit it.

Briefly, this center offers master and doctoral degrees in Islamic and other civilizations, philosophy, ethics and contemporary issues, Islamic spiritual culture and contemporary society, Muslim world issues and their respective sub-areas. It is officially under International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) administration.

ISTAC Library
According to Syafiq, ISTAC had achieved its glorious era when it operated in Damansara ( its first premiss ) before transferred to permanent building in 2006 at Jalan Duta. People said that the cost for ISTAC new building can build ‘another’ IIUM. Not surprisingly, entering this center make people feel as they are not in Malaysia and not being in 21th era. It seems a Europe classical castle. Every step you walk, there is ‘odd’ decoration with  its own significance. All of these are form Naqqied Al-Attas's idea as he was the founder for this center.

Why Al-Attas is not be there? There are many rumors about it, but I should not write about it as I do not know the truth. But by far the most important is how we have built the greatest building without 'human' environment? According to internal source, the number of students in recent year has declined significantly.
Great library without students?
Why ignoring Human Science?
A commonly held belief is that human science fields are not important as empirical science. They argue that modern societies are not affected by these studies compared to technology and science field that nowadays are playing more important role in human life.

As the result, not surprisingly, when the government does not spend much subsidies or sponsorship to invest human science development via higher education. A very good example here is most of the sponsorship students to foreign countries are in the medical field, engineering, IT and economics.

Likewise, most of common people prefer to determine their children became an engineer, doctor, accountant compared to born a historian, sociologist or philosopher. Even their children show their interest and talent in human science field, they will not nurture them.

A number of reasons have been put forward for this phenomena, but by far the most important I see is cause of ‘materialistic’ outlook. The government or company would not spend their money for investing human science students, unless they got back their harvest. Moreover, after become the expert, they may criticize the government policies. Thus, they look sponsoring human science students are not reaping many benefits.

While the society, they need to guarantee their children's career as they must be independent after graduate, easy to get the job and life with higher salaries. They could not imagine how a graduate from history faculty can survive their future.

To be continue...

Friday, 3 October 2014

Does Islam reject the monarchy? ( Part 2 )

Exploring Quran, the tales of monarchs could be divided into two which are the misguided monarch and the pious monarch.

The examples for the first would be Pharaoh and Namrood. They have been described as the astray and cruel king since they declared themselves as the god. Moreover, both refused to accept the prophets’ message even after had been shown the miracles. Their story ended with horrible death as Pharaoh and his armies were drowned when he tried to catch Moses while Namrood were killed by mosquitos. Another example of cruel king is the king that mentioned in Al-Kahfi chapter as he will seize the boat from the poor.
The Pharaoh civilization.
The example for the later ( pious monarchs )  would be King Solomon, who was rewarded by Allah the great power to rule not only human but also animal, genie, satan and wind. He used his given power to show the sign of Allah as he had been doing to Queen Balqis. Talut also a good example of pious king. He was appointed by Allah to become the Jewish king. With in-depth knowledge coupled with strong physical. Through his leadership, Bani Israel has defeated the Jalut and his army. 

Another example would be Dzulkarnain who has been expressly mentioned in Quran with great character and achievement. He was a believer and piety to Allah while his justice could be seen to the conquered people. Dzulkarain also was a wisdom engineer since he had built the iron barrier to local people in order to protect them from turbulent tribe. By far the most important character, Dzulkarnain showed his political integrity after he refused to accept the people treasure for constructing the barrier.

Does Monarchy promote the caste system?

Another reason why some Muslim say Islam reject the monarchy as they claimed it will lead to form caste system among people. The king will be the scared person and invulnerable from any mistake. They also could not be criticized as their level is higher than others. Thus, support the monarchy means to build caste system and it is against Islamic teaching which never distinguish among the people.

Actually, It is true that Allah does not judge the people based on their level, their wealth or their intellect or their power, but he will look up to their piety. However, it does not mean that Islam opposes these kind of achievements. By contrast, Islam acknowledges that people can be of different level of society as following versus:-
But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of all things. ( Al-Anfal : 85 )
Power is an award that is given by Allah. He may give it to bad people as the way to mislead them while if he grant it to good person, it is a reward to them. Like wealth, power also is a god’s test for humans to determine their faith level.